Making data centers sustainable with Artemis AI


Data centres are critical infrastructure in the current tech space. Rather than investing in in-house data and software hosting facilities, companies purchase server space from third-party vendors. This is significantly easier and cost-efficient to implement. On the downside, maintaining data centres can have considerable negative effects on the environment.

The Environmental Challenge of Data Centres

The significant challenge of maintaining data centres is the vast amount of electricity they consume. The energy demand of data centres is compounded by activities such as cooling. In a data centre, cooling systems consume about 30-50% of the total electricity usage.

With the increasing demand for digital services, energy requirements of data centres are surging, raising concerns about the environmental sustainability of data centres. There is a need to find solutions that can make data centres environmentally sustainable, without having to compromise on performance or quality of output.

Code optimisation as a solution

Poor quality code puts significant strain on the human and computational resources in software development. For instance, in 2020 alone, the estimated Cost of Poor Software Quality (CPSQ) in the United States was a whopping $2.08 trillion. This staggering figure includes expenditures on rework, lost productivity, and customer dissatisfaction resulting from subpar code.

Code optimisation is an often overlooked solution to the problem of reducing data centre energy consumption, as well as costs. Code optimisation enables developers to remove redundancies in code bases ultimately leading to code that achieves the same tasks with much higher efficiency.

Artemis AI: Pioneering data centre sustainability via automated code optimisation


The challenge of code optimisation is that optimising code bases can itself be a strain on developers.

To remove the pain points of manual code optimisation, TurinTech AI has developed Artemis AI, a state-of-the-art automated code optimisation platform.

Artemis AI is capable of optimising code bases in a matter of minutes, resulting in more efficient software. As energy consumption directly correlates with software efficiency, implementing Artemis AI can lead to significant energy savings.

We highlight some of Artemis AI’s benefits below:

  1. Energy efficiency: Artemis AI employs cutting-edge algorithms that optimise code to perform more tasks with fewer computational resources. This means that the same software and data processing tasks, which are traditionally energy-intensive, now consume significantly less power. This reduction in energy use directly contributes to lower carbon emissions from data centers, aligning with global sustainability efforts.
  2. Substantial cost reduction: With reduced energy demands, companies can expect a noticeable decrease in their electricity bills. This cost-saving aspect of Artemis AI extends beyond just energy consumption. By streamlining code, the platform also minimises the need for hardware upgrades and maintenance, further driving down operational costs.
  3. Enhanced system performance and reliability: Beyond energy savings, optimised code means faster processing times and more reliable system performance. This translates into quicker transaction processing, real-time data analysis, and overall improved service delivery to clients. Enhanced performance also reduces the likelihood of system downtime, a critical factor in maintaining customer trust in the era.
  4. Scalability and flexibility: A unique feature of Artemis AI is its adaptability to various software and coding environments. This flexibility ensures that whether a company is dealing with legacy systems or the latest technologies, Artemis AI can seamlessly integrate and optimise codebases.

By adopting innovations such as Artemis AI, companies not only meet their ESG goals effectively but also gain a competitive edge through enhanced efficiency and reduced costs.

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